Friday 14 June 2013 Book a Hotel & Get FREE Flights (immediate travel)! Book a Hotel & Get FREE Flights

Booking period : 11 - 16 Jun 2013

Travelling / Staying period : 1 - 31 Jul 2013

Immediate travel promotion!
Phnom Penh, Shenzhen, Bandung, Jakarta, Kota Kinabalu, Penang and many more!

  • PENANG ~ Save up to 40%
  • LANGKAWI ~ Save up to 30%
  • JOHOR BAHRU ~ Save up to 30%
  • KOTA KINABALU ~ Save up to 20%
  • KOTA BHARU ~ Save up to 10%
  • JAKARTA ~ Save up to 30%
  • BANDUNG ~ Save up to 20%
  • SHENZHEN ~ Save up to 30%
  • KUNMING ~ Save up to 10%
  • PHNOM PENH ~ Save up to 20%
  • YOGYAKARTA ~ Save up to 20%

Terms and conditions
  • Rooms rate is based on per room per night.
  • Promo rate is based on first come first serve and subject to availability
  • Free flights are only applicable when book with hotel.
  • Valid for booking during the applicable booking and travel period at selected destination and not including airport taxes and fees.
  • Promo rooms are limited and may not be available during public holiday, school breaks and weekends.
  • Other terms & conditions apply

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